School Uniform

We firmly believe in the value of a school uniform. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride.  It creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a pupil. Uniforms show that you are part of an organisation and wearing it says “we’re all in this together.” Uniforms give pupils a sense of belonging to our school and create an identity for the school in the community.  The governors therefore request that all the children who attend this school wear school uniform (not statutory in nursery).

From September 2021, we moved to an active uniform style, following consultation with parents, staff and governors.  As a staff, we firmly believe that young children should be active as often as possible and gain many benefits from being outdoors, moving in big spaces, partaking in messy play and experiencing large movements.  Therefore, we provide a highly physical curriculum on a daily basis and learn outdoors in all weathers.  Early Years children learn indoors and outside in equal measures throughout each day.  Key stage One children have an active playtime every morning and all school children have half an hour of physical play each lunchtime.  Outdoor learning takes place whenever possible for all year groups to complement the curriculum.  During the pandemic period, the children wore their PE kits on allocated days.  This led to increased physical development time and a vast reduction in the amount of lost property.

Our active uniform is to be worn at all times of the year and consists of:

  • plain white polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • plain royal blue sweatshirt or v-neck jumper or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • plain black / dark grey tracksuit bottoms or leggings (long or cropped) or sports shorts (not fashion shorts or denim) or skort
  • plain black shoes or trainers (velcro unless child can tie own laces with no logos/branding)
  • plain black pumps for PE (to be kept in a drawstring bag in school to avoid wet/mud in the hall)
  • pair of wellies (to be kept in a plastic bag on pegs)

We also offer:

  • royal blue fleece (with or without school logo)
  • royal blue coat (with or without school logo)
  • all in one weatherproof suit
  • drawstring bag
  • book bag
  • sun cap

You can buy items from your chosen retailer or these are avaiable to order online using our chosen supplier at

For the health and safety of children across our school and nursery, we have a strtict ‘no jewellery’ policy which includes the wearing of earrings.  We also insist that the children only bring book bags which are flat and a drawstring bag for pumps – not rucksacks.  All clothing must be clearly labelled.  Every child also needs a named water bottle.