Year 2 – Fantastic Field Mice

2024 – 2025

Miss Jones

Welcome back to a new year at school we had a wonderful term at the end of last year and really enjoyed our concerts, trip and the exciting Christmas activities that we took part in. We are ready for a new term and a new topic with more exciting learning opportunities.

Our learning for this term is based on our topic ‘Animal Magic’

We will be learning all about life in the Kalahari desert this term, it is one of the extreme habitats on our planet and has a unique and wonderful eco system that we will be finding out about. The children will find out about the life and work of Sir David Attenborough and the impact he has had on the world of conservation. We will use this topic to learn about food chains and habitats and the story ‘Meerkat Mail’ will be our inspiration for our writing this term.

Our class website page will be updated with new information and links for grown-ups too. Please look at our newsletter and medium-term plan, follow the link below to find them. You can also see an overview of the learning we will be doing this year in Year 2.

 Key Reminders: 

  • We will be using Class Dojo as the main form of communication between home and class teacher(s). This be viewed and responded to between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm. Please note, this is for learning support only; absences and other whole school related issues need to be relayed to the main school office.
  • Class Dojo will be used to notify you if your child has been chosen for an award for our Friday Celebrations assembly in the hall at 9am.
  • Our main PE days are Monday and Wednesday with some additional sessions on Fridays linked to our PSHE work.


Class Teacher – Miss C Jones

Learning and Teaching Assistant – Mrs S Robinson

Additional teacher (Thursdays) – Miss P Wakefield