Year 1 – Super Satin Mice


Mrs Wilmott

Welcome to the Super Satin Mice! We hope that you have had a lovely October half term break and have been able to make lots of special family memories. We can’t wait to continue our learning adventure together in the  second part of Autumn term.

Our topic this half term is’ The Great Fire of London’. I am very excited as it is a new topic and I have really enjoyed planning this new topic for the Super Satin Mice class. We will bake break just like they did in 1666 and create our own Pudding Lane.

We will also celebrate Christmas as we get closer to December.

We will also be following our new phonics scheme ‘Little Wandle’ with daily phonics and three reads a week to develop: Decoding, prosody and comprehension. Your child will take the same book home for the week to develop their fluency and we encourage you to listen to them read. Children will also choose a reading for pleasure book and these should be returned on a Tuesday ( however children can change this book as often as they would like as it is returned).

Our PE days are Monday and Friday and children should come to school dressed in their active wear on these days.

The teaching assistants are Mrs Purdy Monday-Thursday and Mrs Hallam on a Friday.

Miss Wakefield will teach on a Wednesday afternoon our Science and Music lessons.

Thank you for all your support, I am looking forward to this half term of learning. It was lovely meeting all of you during the parent share consultations and the Year one parental workshop. I post daily on the Class DOJO app so please continue to use.

Mrs Wilmott and the SSM team.